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Eric Liddell Newspaer Template

Eric Liddell Newspaer Template

Use these differentiated Newspaper templates with your learners to write an article about Eric Liddell’s amazing win at the Paris 1924 Olympics. Resources includes 6 different templates to suit a wide range of learners. Part of the Eric Liddell Lesson Bundle (cheaper!)
Eric Liddell Newspaper Headlines

Eric Liddell Newspaper Headlines

Find example of eye-catching Headlines focused around the life of Eric Liddell, with blank templates included for learners to create their own Newspaper Headline. Suits a wide range of ability levels. Part of the Eric Liddell Newspaper Lesson Bundle (cheaper).
Letters for Seashore/Ocean Topic

Letters for Seashore/Ocean Topic

Excite learners to complete their Letter writing task, focused around their topic of Seashore/ Ocean. There are eight different Letter options, including two blank options for learners that struggle with handwriting or learners could drawn a picture with their letter. The blue turtle was a favourite with my students.